Sidewalk Labs Set Their Sights on City Living

If you haven’t figured it out yet, Google is taking over the world. Just kidding – but, kind of, not really. Their presence has vastly expanded past the digital realm and into reality. Now they are setting up to tackle their biggest real world issue – city living. Sidewalk Labs is Google’s newest startup company,…

Independent Trucking Made Easier

It’s always exciting for us folks at Liberty Fox Technologies to hear about a new way apps are being implemented to make lives easier for people across the nation. Industries have definitely been changed for the better by mobile technology, and we are happy to see this continue. The truck driving business has been an…

Apple Watch… Worth It?

So, the launch of the Apple Watch has come and gone, yet many consumers are still unsure if it’s worth their hard earned dollars.  At this point, we know what apps are available for the Apple Watch, both from Apple and third party developers. This blog will look into features developed by Apple, that come…

Celebrity Apps?

Thursday marked the first app release from Victorious, a company that is looking to take apps in a whole new direction. Victorious is planning on going in a different direction by concentrating on the specific yet lucrative “superfan” market. What that means is that the apps Victorious is producing consist of material based around one…

Google App Search

There has been a new development in the app-hunting game, and it may be a boon for app developers. Google has just announced that they will begin to implement app searches as a standard part of web searches, on Android devices. What it basically means is that Google will now highlight apps that are relevant…

Apps for Autism Awareness

There are plenty of issues, during our modern age, of technology being used for wrong or malicious reasons.  From rigged elections to the controversy around Facebook taking and selling people’s private information, it seems negativity is all over the place. This is why Liberty Fox Technologies is proud to show an example of modern technology…

Apps Fighting to Stay Current

With a plethora of apps coming out daily, many older apps are wondering where their future will be.  This includes the popular messaging apps, which nearly everyone has on their mobile device in one fashion or another.  These apps may even be in more of a pickle than the others, due to the fact that…

iOS Lancher is Back?

Things do move back and forth quickly in today’s world of app design.  Some of you may remember an app called Launcher, which was available for iOS for a spell, until being kicked off by Apple.  Many fans of Launcher were displeased by the decision.  Those people can be happy again. Launcher is now back…