Google Caught Spying Without Consent: Eavesdropping Tool May Be Installed On Your Device

It has recently been exposed that Google’s Chrome has been remotely installing a component via the Chromium browser which allows your computer to perform as an “open microphone,” and largely without users’ permission. Though Google claims it is a tool meant to support its new “OK, Google” hotword detection, privacy advocates claim the component is…

Are You Being Watched? All Signs Lead To Yes

Facial recognition technology has made some huge strides in recent years. Facebook’s DeepFace and Google’s FaceNet algorithms already allow them to identify you and your friends in photos with amazing accuracy. Microsoft hosts billboards that can recognize you when you walk by, and a plethora of other unknown companies and applications are using this technology…

Sidewalk Labs Set Their Sights on City Living

If you haven’t figured it out yet, Google is taking over the world. Just kidding – but, kind of, not really. Their presence has vastly expanded past the digital realm and into reality. Now they are setting up to tackle their biggest real world issue – city living. Sidewalk Labs is Google’s newest startup company,…